Monday, October 24, 2011

In the meantime...

I am currently in the middle of writing a long post on religion (or lack there of) in Rome, but in the meantime, I thought I would share a few pictures from the past week.

 Where's Waldo?? I don't know, but apparently they are looking for him in Italy as well.

Guess I did not need to bring my own Usborne Sticker Dolly books for the girls. They can just get them at the bookstore here!

Snapped a few photos of the photographers waiting outside of Berlusconi's house. The guy in the white shirt decided to pose for the photo.

The entrance to Berlusconi's house.

Just one of the many lovely churches in Rome!

The monument commemorating the September 11, 2001 terrorists attacks. On the other side of the road is a monument to the 1970's terrorist attacks in Rome.

I love Pizza!!! 

The Colosseo at night = Amazing!!

And the final two are just for fun, and because Giulio is adorable!

Happy Halloween!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! So fun that you saw a Sticker Dolly Pop Stars in Italian! :)
