This place is simply breathtakingly beautiful. For some reason, I find it to be one of the most peaceful places I have ever been even sitting amidst a crowd on the beach.
I mean who wouldn't find this peaceful?
There is something about the mountains meeting the sea that make Sperlonga the perfect place to be. That last time I was there, some friends and I rented a paddleboat with a slide for an hour to play a little bit in the water. Two things kept creeping into my mind as we made our way out to sea.
The first is this quote from the opening paragraph of Moby Dick:
"Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off -- then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can."
I often feel like I need to just take to the sea, or at least get to a beach, and everything will make sense.
The second is how big God is to have created all of this. Here I sat on this boat in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea staring up at these mountains, and I am overwhelmed by God's grace for giving me simple moments like these to remind me to be thankful for his goodness and his bigness. If he made this sea, if he made those mountains, why do I ever need to worry about anything? All I need to do is simply look up to those mountains, because, of course, from there comes my help. My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth (Psalm 121).
I have already been to Sperlonga twice, and intend to go back por lo meno (at least) one more time.
The first time was with this sweet friend...
Then another time for a friend's birthday. We spent the whole day there, and watched the sunset over the sea. Of course we were almost stranded in Sperlonga for the night, but we made the most of it! Let's just say that taxis do not always arrive at their appointed times in Italy.
This place is glorious. It is postcard perfect in every way. If you ever make a trip to Italy, I highly recommend taking a break from the craziness of Rome and hopping a train to Sperlonga. Well worth the 15 euros it costs to get there and back.
True confession...I could live here. The last time I was here, I thought, "I may never leave," but then I did. I had to go back to Rome, and, of course, I love Rome. Nothing, however, quite compares to Sperlonga.
Then I decided that this is the perfect spot to get married. Anyone have a wedding coming up? Yes? No? Well, in that case, whenever I get married, I think I will get married here (as long as the person I marry agrees).
I know I am a long time from having to plan these things, but this seems like a pretty exquisite place to tie the knot. The sea in front and the mountains behind. Both reflections of God's infiniteness and strength to do all things. Yep, I will get married here in Sperlonga one day.
Until that day, I will just play at the beach!
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