Wednesday, October 12, 2011

To Do and Not To Do

There are several does and don'ts I have learned the past month in Rome, so I thought I would share!

1. Don't under dress your child if it drops below 80 degrees. They need at least two jackets. Why? I have no idea.
2. Don't pay any attention to traffic laws. If the light is red, you can still go. If there are people crossing the street, its okay. If you accelerate, they will run out of your way. Oh and yielding...yeah, like that every happens.
3. Don't expect to find skim milk. Everyone drinks latte parcealmente scremata...which is basically like 1 or 2%. And you can really not get a Cappuccino with skim milk.
4. Don't eat the peel on your fruit. Make sure you peel it off before you eat it. This includes apples, pears, and just about every fruit there is.
5. Don't tip....unless you are at a really nice restaurant and then just round up your bill to the nearest dollar. That totally rocks. Talk about a money saver when you eat out.

1. Do eat pasta, cheese, or bread all the time, because they don't make you fat in Italy (I wish).
2. Do have wine at lunch. Everyone does it.
3. Do feel free to stop into the gelateria in your business suit on your lunch hour.
4. Do hang your laundry out on the else are you going to dry it
5. Do wear a scarf even when it is 90 degrees outside cause there is this tiny spot on your neck that if the wind touches will give you a cold. Oh you had not heard of that either....hmmm.

That's all for now....but I am sure there will be more to come!

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