Sunday, January 1, 2012

Buon Anno!!!!

Is anyone still there?? Are you still reading??
I can't believe how long it's been since I posted. Clearly, I am not the best at keeping up this blog! Many people have pointed this out to me, so in order to satisfy their requests...a new post for a new year.

Happy New Year! Or as we say here in Rome, Buon Anno! Can you believe it is 2012? I sure cannot. Where has all the time gone? I feel as though I am constantly marveling at how quickly it disappears. Here we are facing another year. The end of 2011 was certainly full of surprises for me, and I am relatively certain that 2012 holds many more!

Here are a few pics from my celebration here in Roma! I went out with some friends, and we watched fireworks right next to the Colosseo. We had a blast, but I am exhausted...5 a.m. is not an appropriate time to be going to bed! But, I guess I only get one New Year's Eve in Rome!

The road in front of the Colosseo and all the way down to Piazza Venezia was full of people, except for places like these where people would just throw in fire works!

How amazing is this!

The streets were littered with confetti and broken bottles. I would not want the job of cleaning that up!

No we move on to the New Year's resolutions. I never really make them, because I know I will never really keep them. But since, I am in a new place, maybe I will have a new resolve to keep them.

So here is the list...
1. Post at least once a week on my blog
2. Read 30 books...I read about 24 in 2011 and I really do not think that is enough.
3. See more of the world
4. Become conversationally fluent in Italian
5. Run...there are lots of places to run in Rome, and I just need to get out there and do it, at least 3 times a week. If I don't, I will likely come home from Rome twice the size I was when I left.
6. Learn how to make my own pasta
7. Visit a place in Rome I have not been at least 2 a week.
8. Find a way to eat healthy in Italy

It is not very long, but I am not really ambitious when it comes to New Year's resolutions. However, I think setting goals is important. Most importantly, as I look to the year ahead, I look back and can see how richly blessed I am. Sometimes, I do not see these blessing. I focus on the negatives, and start to throw a small private pity party when I think that my life is not what I thought it would be. Therefore, my number one New year's resolution is to live by Psalm 16:5 because it is so true in my life: "The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance." 

What are your New Year's resolutions?? Should I add anything to this list??
Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Love your new year's resolutions and you KNOW I love that verse. ;) I miss you, sweet friend, but I am SO thankful for the amazing experiences God is giving you this year. May He he use this time in Italy to continue to grow your heart for the nations!!!
